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How to Sell Your House Fast at a Higher Price: Tips to Improve on Your House

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How to Sell Your House Fast at a Higher Price: Tips to Improve on Your House

Many homeowners do not realize the difference between preparing your house to sell fast at a higher price and just cleaning it. We will consider what you should consider when designing your home for sale in Kenya. Remember, the goal of selling a house is to sell it fast and sell it high, so let’s get started!

Homeowners preparing to sell are often anxious about how much money their house will command. That’s the first question everyone wants to know when you list your property.


Of course, price is a significant factor in getting buyers through the door, but it’s not the only one. You can do other things to make sure your house sells quickly and at a higher price.

Below, we’ll share tips to help you get top dollar for your home and sell it fast.

  1. No More Clutter

As you prepare to sell, you may be thinking about your home in terms of the big picture—how many square footage and rooms it has. While this is good, some more minor details can significantly impact how your house sells.


A common one that sellers don’t think about at first? Clutter. And by mess, we mean anything small that might make your home look messy or uninviting, such as:

  • Stray hair ties on the bathroom counter
  • A pile of mail on the kitchen table
  • Kids’ toys spread across the living room floor

These little things can add up and detract from an otherwise beautiful space. So before showing your house, try to keep these things cleared out of sight—and ask yourself if you could donate any items to charity and free up more space for buyers to see!


  1. Add Some Pops of Color

The interior design of your home is fundamental in the selling process. Your potential buyers will want to picture themselves living in the house, and if the interior isn’t to their liking, they won’t be interested.

There are many unique ways to use color and light to improve your house and increase its value.

Color has a substantial impact on mood, so by adding some pops of color, you can create different types of atmospheres in each room, making them flow better. Adding some bold colors like red or orange creates an exciting atmosphere, while blues and greens create a calmer atmosphere.

By creating different atmospheres within your home, you can allow people to feel free while viewing it, encouraging them to notice all of its features. Creating a highlight wall with a bold color can also give the illusion of depth, make smaller rooms look more significant, and add more character!


  1. Update the Lights

Your kitchen and dining room lights should be bright and cheerful. You want the buyer to picture themselves enjoying a nice dinner at home.

On the other hand, lights in your living area should be dimmer, allowing any potential buyers to envision their furniture and make it feel more like home.

If you’re selling a bachelor or studio apartment, you’ll want to keep your lighting on the brighter side but not too bright as they can give off an institutional vibe. This area is all about modern functionality, so you’ll want to focus on LED recessed lighting rather than funky ceiling lights.

  1. De-personalize

Remove photos and personal items from home when staging your house for sale in Kenya.

If you have a lot of family photos or other personal items around the house, you must pack them up before your home goes on the market. People want to envision themselves living in the house and can’t do that if they look at pictures of you on vacation at Disney World with your kids.

It’s also essential to ensure that every room is de-cluttered and clean! No one wants to buy a home where they see piles of dirty laundry or dishes in the sink.

  1. Let the Light In

The lighter your home is, the more inviting it will feel. Light is key to making a home appear more extensive, and there are plenty of ways you can use light to highlight critical features of a house. Natural light is best, but don’t be afraid to play around with artificial lighting.

Create a sense of space – If your rooms feel cramped and cluttered, invest in some streamlined furniture that won’t overcrowd the area or make it look cluttered.

You might also want to consider opening up specific areas by adding an island or knocking down walls to create an open space feel rather than several enclosed rooms.

  1. Curb Appeal is Key
best hidden ways to sell a house faster at a higher price

House for sale in Nairobi

Up to 70% of potential buyers will drive by a home they’re interested in before they ever go inside. For that reason, you need to work on curb appeal if you want to attract them. You don’t have to

spend a lot on new landscaping. Even if the house is beautiful inside, it won’t sell if the buyer can’t get past the ugly exterior!

  1. Keep Your Interior Clean and Simple.

Best hidden tips to sell your house fast at a higher price

The next step is to clean up your home. It means removing clutter and bulky furniture to open up the space. Clear off kitchen counters and bathroom ledges and make sure all surfaces are sparkling clean throughout the house. A smudge-free window is a must!

Remove any personal items like family photos so that potential buyers can envision their belongings in the house. Remember, you want your home to be a blank canvas for them to picture themselves living in it!

If you have carpets, you want them to look as new as possible. Either rent or buy a steam cleaner and give them a good deep clean. If your carpets are old or stained, think about replacing them with inexpensive but fresh area rugs that complement the color of your walls.

So, to put it briefly, make sure to present your house in its best state to attract the right prospective buyers. No matter what the condition is of your home, you can constantly improve it and make it desirable to potential buyers. The above tips can serve as the best advice to sell your house fast at a higher price.

Let us list your home today. We have ready buyers looking for houses for sale in Kenya.

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